Asya Karapetyan
Content marketer, who specializes in Mac how-to guides
Asya is a life-long learner with an ongoing curiosity to know everything about Apple technology. With her articles, she helps people to correctly optimize storage space usage on Mac or iPhone and fix possible system issues. She also shares useful tips and tricks that every Mac user should know.
Author Bio
Asya has been a tech writer since 2015 but she has loved technology her whole life. In past, she was writing about tourism and how technology affects ways of travel. From the moment Asya became the Nektony team’s member, she became involved in the world of mobile technologies and the Apple ecosystem. As a big fan and long user of Apple devices, she now shares effective tips and tricks to maintain Mac computers and iPhones.
Asya earned her Master’s Degree in Marketing. Since the beginning of her career, she regularly participates in conferences and receives training to develop her marketing and Apple tech expertise.
As Nektony’s content writer, she likes to write tutorials and guides on how to help Mac users to optimize storage on their hard drives.
Cada aplicación en una MacBook, así como cada acción que realiza, crea archivos de caché en su sistema y los almacena en su disco hasta que decida eliminarlos. En este...
Si verifica el uso de almacenamiento de su Mac, encontrará una categoría llamada Datos del sistema. A veces, el almacenamiento del sistema puede ocupar un gran espacio en un disco...
Al verificar el almacenamiento de su Mac, "Otros" puede ocupar bastante espacio en su disco. En este artículo, explicaremos qué es este misterioso Otro Espacio, dónde se encuentra y cómo...
¿Sigue eliminando aplicaciones en su Mac simplemente moviendo sus íconos a la Papelera? Esperamos que no. Pero si continúa haciendo eso, debe saber que en este caso, los programas mantienen...