We are Nektony

A friendly team who share a big passion
for making useful apps for Mac and iPhone users.

Nektony markering team
nektony team
Vladyslav Zubkov - ACSP
Sasha Holovchenko - ACSP
Oryna Lienkova - ASCP
Vladimir Nuzhdin - ACSP

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Our Expertise

In each key department in Nektony, we have Apple Certified Support Professionals (ACSP). We know everything about macOS system and provide essential apps and qualified support.

our mission

Our mission

is to help users of our apps make their smart devices always fast, clean and free of junk.

nektony developer team

About Us

Nektony was created in 2011. We started with the development of the Disk Expert application for analyzing disk space usage. Another popular app we developed was VSD Viewer for Mac, which made it possible to collaborate on Visio® drawings in a multiplatform environment.

Later, working with our Mac computers, we realized that there was a lack of disk space on them, and it was not obvious what we could delete to free up some space. Thus, we have introduced a series of Mac system cleaning utilities, which we ourselves use. Since then, our main area of development has been cleaning software, which helps users to speed up and clean their devices, as well as protect private data.

Our product line

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Mac cleanup utilities

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iOS cleanup utilities

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Visio drawing viewers

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Nektony symbol


The company was born

AppStore logo

15 apps

We’ve created for Mac, iOS and Android

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Installations across the world

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Average star rating by our users

Nektony applications

Our Achievements

red dot winners 2023
red dot certificate
red dot icon 2023

At Nektony, we take great pride in our commitment to design excellence. In 2023 our dedication to creating beautiful and user-friendly applications has been recognized with the prestigious Red Dot Design Award.

What we believe in

Let’s face it. People buy Apple devices not only because of its stunning design but also its superfast performance and because they are easy to use. However, over the years, your disk becomes full of junk files, and, as a result, the performance slows.
At Nektony, we believe that you don’t have to buy a new device each year. With our apps, you can take care of your Mac, iPhone, or iPad, and you always can make them run like new.

Our Values

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We do whatever it takes to create highly efficient products and help the users solve their system’s problems.

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We respect our team, our users and our competitors.

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We strive to understand our customers and provide the best possible solution for them.

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Nothing is more important than the trusted relationships we have with everyone in Nektony.

We are proud to be mentioned in Media as most functional efficient applications for macOS

safety detectives logo
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make tech easier logomacupdate logomacwelt logofix the photoforbes logowebsite planet logo

What customers say about us



United States

I am so impressed with the response I got from this company when I had questions about use. On a weekend, within minutes, the help area responded. Then, the next day (today), the developer screen shared and provided personal support. Excellent.

Dan Brooking

United States

I have been working with this company and their products since version 1.0. They are in my opinion #1 in customer support and their software is incredible. Every time I uninstall unneeded software on my Mac I use their uninstaller. It is 100% safe, and it does not leave any leftover files or folders in your system that eventually if not taken care of cause software degradation.

Greg Lawson


Nektony not only makes great apps but is absolutely a model of what software support should be. Their app, Duplicate File Finder, is the best in its class but even with great software a bug can fall between the cracks. I’ve run into one or two and notified them. In each case the problem was checked immediately, and the result reported back. In each case they corrected the problem, quickly, efficiently and pleasantly. Excellent work, guys!

Ryan Connolly

United States

Fantastic company. Almost immediate responses from their support team and helped me solve an issue with just one email rather than several back and forth emails. 5 stars hands down. Thank you!

How we create our beautiful products

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Have any questions about us or our products? Just Email us. We are always ready to help or discuss a partnership.

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Find all the necessary data about our apps, such as logos, screenshots, press releases, and press mentions.

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We create efficient and useful applications, and all of our products are available on a “try before you buy” basis.

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The majority of Nektony team are Ukrainians. Today, when Russia is attacking our country, you can support us by donating to Ukraine’s Forced Army.
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