9 Password security tips

Asya Karapetyan
Content marketer, who specializes in Mac how-to guides
January 24, 2022
2 minutes to read

When it comes to creating a password for online services, most people use uncomplicated passwords, such as their birthdate, the name of their child, and so on. Some even use one password for many sites. Such kinds of passwords can be easily hacked. Today, we would like to share with you nine tips on how to create a secure password and avoid it being hacked.

Before we dive into the detailed explanation on how to create a secure password, take a look at the infographic of quick tips:

Now let’s see the signs of a not secure password and create the one that would be difficult to crack.

Signs of a not secure password

Check this list to find out whether your password is secure or not. If you use at least one of these methods to create a password, then your password is unsafe.

  1. You use easy letter combinations or well-known phrases: 123456, password, Iloveyou, 111111, qwerty or admin, etc.
  2. Your password contains your name, surname, phone number, the name of your favorite artist, etc.
  3. Your password consists only of letters or numbers and contains less than five characters.
  4. You like using identical or adjacent characters, like 222222, xcvbnm and popular abbreviations.

10 Password security tips

  1. First of all, you should reject the simplest key combinations. If you choose qwerty, 12345, or another simple sequence of letters or numbers, it will not be difficult to crack it. But if you combine several letters and numeric values, the password will become more secure.
  2. Also, there are passwords consisting only of one word, which is quite popular. It’s easy to crack such passwords with special programs which automatically try all the possible options from the dictionary databases. If you want to create a good password, it’s better to use a phrase. The more unique or absurd the phrase, the more difficult it is to hack. For example, “aflowerunderwater.”
  3. Do not use predictable numbers, such as dates, phone numbers, social security numbers, and so on. Also, do not use any well-known constants in passwords, like a pi number or a Fibonacci sequence.
  4. The most secure password must consist of at least 8 characters, contain big and small letters, numbers, and additional characters available on the keyboard, such as  /? !! <> [] {}. But do not substitute symbols for obvious words likeP@$$w0rd. The closer the password to a random sequence, the more difficult it will be to pick up. A good example is X29jk!O{.
  5. If you use password manager services, you don’t need to keep your passwords in your head. However, this does not protect you from hackers. Password manager programs just keep your passwords safe for your convenience so that you do not have to enter them every time you try to log into your account. But this does not mean that the attacker will not be able to acquire your password.
  6. Use a 2-step verification on important sites, such as PayPal. Yes, this is not always convenient, but it is very reliable.
  7. Do not use one password for various sites. For example, if your Facebook account is hacked, the hackers will have access to your other social media accounts. Each account should have its own password.
  8. To create a difficult password, you can use a password generator. If you don’t trust them, just change the last few symbols.
  9. Do not enter your passwords while using a public Wi-Fi hotspot.
  10. Change your passwords periodically. Even if you have a strong password, it is recommended that you change it from time to time for your own security.


Be careful with your passwords. Do not share them with anyone, and do not write them down in a prominent place. Also, you should not store passwords on the Internet or even in a separate file on your computer. In addition, we’d like to mention that creating a strong password is not the only way to protect yourself. You can also use a virtual private network, which encrypts your data and provides an additional level of online security. You can try VPN Client from Nektony, which offers a free 7-days trial period.

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