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maccleaner icon

MacCleaner Pro

Professional tools for Mac cleanup
Keep your Mac always fast, clean and organized


MacCleaner icon

MacCleaner Pro

App Cleaner & Uninstaller

App Cleaner & Uninstaller

Duplicate File Finder icon

Duplicate File Finder

Disk Space Analyzer green icon

Disk Space Analyzer

Memory Cleaner icon

Memory Cleaner

Funter icon



Notarized by Apple


Regular updates




50+ million downloads

The most detailed disk space analyzer

See what’s taking the most space on you Mac, find unneeded files
and reclaim space on your hard drive.

Macintosh HD

Speed up and clean up your Mac in one click

Remove junk files, optimize RAM, manage extensions and fix issues to make your Mac run faster.

macleaner main window

Сlear up space on your Mac

Watch the video to see how easy it is to free up space on your disk with MacCleaner Pro

All the features you need

Speed up Mac
Clean up Mac
Manage Disk Space

free up ram

Free up RAM

Clear inactive RAM memory

Disable startup programs

Disable startup programs

Stop apps running on Mac startup

Reindex Spotlight

Reindex Spotlight

Rebuild the index of Spotlight

Reindex Mail

Reindex Mail

Rebuild the index of Mailboxes

Remove Internet plugins

Remove Internet plugins

Clear unneeded add-ons

Disable browser extensions

Disable browser extensions

Manage and remove extensions

quit heavy consumers

Quit heavy consumers

Close memory-consuming apps

free up ram

Free up RAM

Clear inactive RAM memory

Disable startup programs

Disable startup programs

Stop apps running on Mac startup

Reindex Spotlight

Reindex Spotlight

Rebuild the index of Spotlight

Reindex Mail

Reindex Mail

Rebuild the index of Mailboxes

Remove Internet plugins

Remove Internet plugins

Clear unneeded add-ons

Disable browser extensions

Disable browser extensions

Manage and remove extensions

quit heavy consumers

Quit heavy consumers

Close memory-consuming apps



Clear cache, cookies, logs

installation files

Installation files

Remove .dmg items

language icon

Language files

Remove unneeded localization files

download icon


Clear the Downloads folder

mail icon

Mail attachments

Remove unneeded attachments

sreenshots icon

Screenshot files

Get rid of unneeded screenshot files

trash icon

Trash bin

Empty your Trash

archive icon


Remove unneeded zipped files

documents icon


Manage large documents

Duplicate files

Duplicate files

Find and remove duplicates

movie files

Movie files

Clear large videos and movie libraries

Music files

Music files

Remove large music and voice files



Detect and clear large photos


Uninstall unused apps

System files

Analyze space occupied by system items

Home folder

Home folder

Analyze disk usage in the Home folder

Easy junk files cleaner
and speed optimizer for your Mac

Full System cleanup
Performence boost
Disk Space Analyzing
HD clutter control
maccleaner clean up mac
maccleaner speed up mac
maccleaner manage files
maccleaner overview

With MacCleaner Pro you get additional tools for a deep Mac cleanup

appcleaner icon

App Cleaner & Uninstaller

  • Completely remove programs
  • Get rid of apps’ leftovers
  • Take control of startup programs and extensions
  • Change default apps

AC screenshots

DFF screenshots

dff icon

Duplicate File Finder

  • Remove duplicate files
  • Clear similar-looking photos
  • Merge duplicate folders
  • Organize duplicate content
dsa icon

Disk Space Analyzer

  • Analyze Mac disk space usage
  • Find the largest files and folders
  • Remove old unused files
  • Check disk space of any cloud storage or external hard drive

DSA screenshots

Users’ voices

What our users say about the MacCleaner Pro


Simon Williams

Great App. It does what it says and does it very well – the interface is intuitive, easy to use and you have full control on what you do or don’t do. I have the “Pro” Suite and have found all features work well, without any adverse effects to my Mac. The after sales service is fast, efficient and supportive.


T W Tobin

Excellent company with excellent apps. I used MacCleaner Pro to completely remove old apps and junk from my old Mac before doing an OS upgrade, followed by a migration to a new computer. The app works amazingly well – simple and thorough. Highly recommended.


If like me, you are looking to free up space or clean your Mac, I HIGHLY recommend MacCleaner Pro. So easy to use, reliable and effective. Lets you uninstall apps, delete duplicate files, merge folders with similar files and much more. I’m so happy I found this app


Sonny Crane

Love this app. It does everything to help my Mac.
I have been with Mac for over 28 years and this app really does it right for so many other great features.
They are a great company to deal with.


Rafael Barake

The app cleaner software it is great, it’s efficient, it gets rid off unneeded files taking space. I really recommend it, you’ll find your computer running smoothly all the time.

Safe. Fast. Cost-effective.

High star rating

There are thousands of positive reviews about MacCleaner Pro, you can find on review websites.

Notarized by Apple

We regularly optimize MacCleaner Pro for the latest macOS updates. Check the revision history of the app.

Regular updates

We regularly optimize MacCleaner Pro for the latest macOS updates. Check the revision history of the app.

Free technical support

Whenever you have any questions, just contact our Support team. We are always happy to assist you.

Taking care of users’ files

MacCleaner Pro always displays a confirmation window before cleaning up selected system files and users’ items.

Various pricing options

You can choose either a subscription or a one-time purchase. We also offer corporate, loyalty and educational discounts.

MacCleaner Pro speaks

maccleaner icon

MacCleaner Pro

The bundle of six cleanup tools.
Find duplicate files, analyze disk space usage, uninstall apps completely, manage background apps, find any hidden files.


2-day evaluation period

macOS 10.13-15

Version: 3.3.4 (Sep 14, 2024)

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