How to Uninstall DivX from Mac

Oryna Lienkova
Apple certified support professional
November 1, 2023

If for some reason you need to uninstall DivX from your Mac, read this article. We will share the proper way of DivX removal on a Mac computer.


  1. How to uninstall DivX manually.
  2. How to uninstall DivX using App Cleaner & Uninstaller.

How to Uninstall DivX Manually

  1. First of all, make sure that you’ve closed all DivX applications. Then find the app named Uninstall DivX for Mac. Look for it in the Applications folder. Uninstal DivX from Mac Finder Screenshot
  2. Launch it and click the Uninstall button. Uninstall DivX from mac provided uninstaller screenshot
  3. After that, you need to find and remove the DivX service files and the Uninstall DivX file. Use a shortcut  ⌘+⇧+G to open the search field and navigate to ~/Library , where all their service files of apps are located:

Get to Library

Here is a list of files you have to find and delete to Trash:

DivX related files

Now the DivX apps are completely removed from your Mac.

How to Uninstall DivX using App Cleaner & Uninstaller

You can remove DivX Mac Player and Converter through a special tool App Cleaner & Uninstaller, which is designed to remove software from a Mac with all its supporting files.

Just run the uninstaller → select the apps you want to uninstall → click to remove them.

divx uninstaller

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