How to Uninstall Calibre

Oryna Lienkova
Apple certified support professional
November 1, 2023

If for any reason you want to remove the Calibre ebook from your computer, read this article. Today we will look at two ways to uninstall Calibre on a Mac.

Removing Calibre


  1. How to manually uninstall the Calibre ebook reader
  2. How to automatically remove the Calibre ebook

Uninstall the Calibre Ebook Reader Manually

The Calibre reader, like other applications on your Mac, is a complex software tool, which consists of a large number of support files. It has an executable file (.app) that is used to launch the program. It also creates lots of service files, which are stored in hidden folders on your disk.

If you want to manually delete the Calibre app from your Mac, you should remove all its components. For this, take the following steps:

  1. Quit the software.
  2. Open the Applications folder → select the file → drag and drop it to the Trash bin.

    Calibre application in the Applications folder

  3. You can find the service files of the Calibre app in the user’s Library folder. This folder is hidden by default to prevent accidental removal of its content by users. To get access to the Library folder, launch Finder → click Go in the menu bar → select Go to Folder in the drop-down menu → type ~/Library in the window that appears → press Enter.
    Go to Library folder in Finder
  4. Within the Library folder, find all the files and folders related to Calibre and delete them. For the most part, you can find these useless files in the following subfolders: Calibre files

    Calibre Caches folder

    If you want to delete the Calibre Library folder, you can find it in your user’s folder. The Calibre Library subfolder is stored there by default. Use the next path to delete the unneeded files:
    -Macintosh/Users/Your User Name/Calibre Library
    Calibre Preferences files in Finder

  5. Then empty the Trash bin.

Remove the Calibre Ebook Automatically

If you want to save time and be certain that you have not accidentally deleted critical service files, use the automatic method. We advise using App Cleaner & Uninstaller.

This software tool helps to entirely and correctly delete an app from a Mac in less than a minute. To remove the ebook software from your Mac using App Cleaner & Uninstaller, complete these simple steps:

  1. Launch App Cleaner & Uninstaller.
  2. Select Calibre from the list of your programs in the Applications tab. All its useless service files will be selected automatically.
  3. Click the Remove button.
  4. Calibre application selected for removal in App Cleaner & Uninstaller

  5. Review the files and folders you intend to delete and click on the Remove button.
    App Cleaner & Uninstaller confirmation window to remove Calibre
  6. Complete the entire removal of the app from your Mac by emptying the Trash bin.


You can choose one of these two methods to remove the Mac version of Calibre from your computer. However, third-party uninstallers remove programs from a Mac in a much easier and safer way.

Therefore, we recommend using App Cleaner & Uninstaller, which helps to remove more than 1,000 applications from your Mac.

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