- What is WinZip?
- How to uninstall WinZip from Mac manually.
- How to uninstall WinZip using App Cleaner & Uninstaller.
- Frequently asked questions about WinZip
Important notes and the methodology you should know about WinZip uninstallation
- Before writing this article, we checked the WinZip website for the guide on how to uninstall it on macOS. We found no information about that.
- To uninstall WinZip from Mac completely, you need to check your Mac for its service files and remove all of them as well.
- We used App Cleaner & Uninstaller and Funter from Nektony to find WinZip’s service files on Mac.
- In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to manually remove WinZip from Mac and how to do this automatically with the help of App Cleaner & Uninstaller.
What is WinZip?
WinZip is a utility for working with archive files. The app has gained worldwide popularity due to the fact that it was the first archiver with a graphical interface. Today, WinZip provides a big number of additional features for optimizing Mac. However, most users prefer to use other popular apps, WinRAR or the macOS built-in archiving utility, due to their simplicity. Keeping unused applications on Mac is useless, especially when you have a lack of free disk space. That is why you might need to uninstall WinZip from your Mac. Below, we will explain how to do this correctly.How to uninstall WinZip from Mac manually
It is important to always quit applications before you start the removal process on Mac. Please carefully follow each step from this guide and don’t miss any to completely and safely uninstall WinZip from your Mac.
- Quit WinZip. You can do this right from the Dock panel. Right-click on the WinZip icon and select Quit.
If you see the Winzip icon in your toolbar, quit it from there.
- Open the Applications folder in Finder and remove WinZip from there. Drag and drop the app’s icon into the Trash or use the context menu for this.
Now it’s time to find and remove the leftovers of WinZip on your Mac. Note that just moving the app into Trash is not enough to uninstall the app completely. The apps leave their service files in hidden system folders and you should clean up these traces. Ok, so how do you do this?
- Open the ~/Library folder. For this, click Go in the menu bar.
- Press Option and select Library from the drop-down menu.
Here in the Library folder find all of the files associated with WinZip and remove them. They have the “winzip” word in their names. Check the following subfolders for them:
- ~Library/Application Support
- ~Library/Saved Application State
- ~Library/Caches
- ~Library/Logs
- ~Library/Preferences
- ~Library/Containers
- ~Library/Cookies
- After the removal of all WinZip files, don’t forget to empty the Trash.
How to remove Winzip using App Cleaner & Uninstaller
We always suggest using App Cleaner & Uninstaller to uninstall any program on Mac. Firstly, it removes apps completely with all their service files. Secondly, you can uninstall any application just in a few clicks.
- Launch App Cleaner & Uninstaller.
- Select WinZip in the list of apps.
- Click the Remove button.
- Confirm WinZip uninstallation.
Frequently asked questions about WinZip
What is the point of WinZip?
WinZip is an application used to compress and open zipped files on Mac. The application is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems.
Can I use WinZip on a Mac?
Yes. With WinZip Mac Edition you can zip and unzip files right from its Files panel.
Is WinZip safe?
WinZip supports AES encryption and secures your archived data. According to developers’ news, they regularly check the software for malware and found it to be virus-free.
How much does WinZip cost per year?
WinZip Mac v.8 costs 29.95$ per year.