How to uninstall FileMaker Pro

Oryna Lienkova
Apple certified support professional
November 2, 2023

For various reasons, you may need to remove FileMaker Pro from your Mac. In this article, we want to give you some tips on how to do it correctly and safely. Learn two ways to uninstall FileMaker Pro on your Mac.

uninstall FileMaker Pro


  1. Uninstall FileMaker Pro manually.
  2. Uninstall FileMaker Pro automatically.

Uninstall FileMaker Pro Manually

Probably, you have used the manual uninstallation method on your Mac many times. It’s is very common action to drag and drop an unneeded application into the Trash. However, dragging and dropping an icon of a certain app to the Trash does not completely remove it from your disk.
Any program on your computer is a complex software tool. It contains not only an extension file (.app), but also various service files, which are used by an app while it operates. So, when you move the icon of a particular program to the Trash, the service files are still stored on your Mac. Therefore, you need to entirely remove an app and all its components to prevent the accumulation of useless files on your device.

To completely uninstall FileMaker Pro on your Mac, follow the next few steps:

  1. Quit FileMaker Pro and make sure that there are no active processes of the app working in the background.
  2. Open the Applications folder and find the FileMaker Pro folder. As you can see, this folder contains not only the executable file, but several supporting folders and files as well.
  3. You should delete this folder in full. Choose the FileMaker Pro Your Version folder → right-click on it and select Move to Trash from the menu that appears.
    Move to Trash selected for FileMaker Pro
  4. Nevertheless, there are still a few service files, which are stored in the hidden Library folder on your Mac. To open this folder, launch Finder → click Go in the menu bar → select Go to Folder in the drop-down menu → type ~/Library in the window that appears → press Enter.
    Go to Library folder window
  5. Within the Library folder, find and remove all the useless service files and folders that are related to the FileMaker Pro application. These files and folders are mostly stored in the following directories: FileMaker files

    Finder showing FileMaker Application Support folder

  6. Then, empty the Trash bin to complete the entire removal of the FileMaker Pro Mac version from your device.

Uninstall FileMaker Pro Automatically

You can also remove programs from Mac automatically, instead of manually uninstalling apps. It’s possible, thanks to third-party uninstallers.

We recommend using App Cleaner & Uninstaller for a quick and correct removal of FileMaker from your computer. For this, take the following simple steps:

  1. Launch App Cleaner & Uninstaller.
  2. In the Applications tab, you will see a list of all your programs. Select the FileMaker Pro app. So, you can remove the app with all its service files in just one click. Then click on the Remove button to proceed.
    FileMaker selected for removal in App Cleaner & Uninstaller
  3. Review the files and folders you want to delete and click on the Remove button.

    Confirmation window to uninstall FileMaker

  4. Empty the Trash bin to completely get rid of the FileMaker Pro app and its leftovers from your computer.

Depending on your version of FileMaker Pro and your experience using the app, you may have other additional applications and service files. In this case, you may have more items to delete from your computer.

App Cleaner & Uninstaller will scan your disk and find all the components of FileMaker Pro, which are stored on your Mac.


Only you can decide which way to uninstall FileMaker Pro on your Mac. We recommend that you try App Cleaner & Uninstaller, which helps to remove apps in less than a minute. You can download a free evaluation version of App Cleaner & Uninstaller.

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