How to uninstall Frostwire from a Mac

Oryna Lienkova
Apple certified support professional
September 27, 2023

FrostWire is an open-source torrent client application that allows you to download and play files from BitTorrent and Gnutella networks. If for any reason you want to delete the FrostWire application from your computer, keep reading. In this article, we will share two ways to uninstall FrostWire from a Mac.

Removing Frostwire


  1. How to manually delete FrostWire from a Mac
  2. How to automatically uninstall FrostWire from a Mac

Delete FrostWire for Mac Manually

Once installed on your Mac, each application creates service files and stores them on your disk. They are used by the program to provide proper performance. Therefore, if you want to entirely delete FrostWire for Mac, you need to remove all of its components from your disk as well. For this, complete the following steps:

  1. Stop all processes of the FrostWire application and quit it.
  2. Open the Applications folder → select the file → drag and drop it to the Trash bin.
    how to uninstall frostwire on mac
  3. Now you can remove all useless service files of the FrostWire program from your disk. Generally they are stored in the hidden Library folder. To get access to this folder, in the Finder’s menu bar, click GoGo to Folder → type ~/Library in the window that appears → press Enter (Return).
    library location in search field
  4. Within the Library folder, find and delete the unneeded files related to FrostWire in the next directories:
    • ~/Library/Application Support/FrostWire

      frostwire app on mac

    • ~/Library/Caches/com.FrostWire.Setup

      how to delete frostwire from your computer

    • ~/Library/Preferences/com.FrostWire.Setup.plist

      how to delete frostwire from your mac

    Depending on the way you used FrostWire on your Mac, you can find more items that contain the name of the app in their titles within other Library subfolders. Within the Library folder, check to see if there are some remaining FrostWire files in the following directories:

    • ~/Library/Saved Application State
    • ~/Library/LaunchAgents
    • ~/Library/LaunchDaemons
    • ~/Library/PreferencePanes
    • ~/Library/StartupItems
  5. Empty the Trash bin to complete the uninstallation of FrostWire from your Mac.

Uninstall FrostWire from a Mac Automatically

If you are looking for the most effective way to uninstall FrostWire for Mac, we advise using App Cleaner & Uninstaller. It is a comprehensive uninstaller created for macOS that correctly and completely removes apps from a Mac. App Cleaner & Uninstaller is able to automatically delete FrostWire from your Mac in less than a minute.

To uninstall the FrostWire app from your computer using App Cleaner & Uninstaller, take the following steps:

  1. Launch App Cleaner & Uninstaller.
  2. Choose FrostWire from the list of your programs in the Applications tab. All of its service files will be automatically selected. Click on the Uninstall button.
    uninstall frostwire on Mac
  3. Review the files and folders you are going to delete and click on the Remove button.
    confirmation window to uninstall frostwire from mac
  4. Then empty the Trash bin to entirely uninstall FrostWire from your Mac.


Regardless of the FrostWire uninstallation method you choose, there is one final consideration. It’s important to remember that a large number of junk files left after partially-removing apps can make your Mac perform slowly.

If you want to be sure there are no useless files on your disk, use App Cleaner & Uninstaller to completely remove applications. App Cleaner & Uninstaller will help you to delete more than 1,000 apps from your Mac. Download the app today for free and evaluate it.

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