How to uninstall Android Studio on Mac

Asya Karapetyan
Content marketer, who specializes in Mac how-to guides
September 7, 2023

No time to read? Quick solution

The quickest way to completely uninstall apps from Mac

Use App Cleaner & Uninstaller to remove applications from Mac entirely.

App Cleaner & Uninstaller

App Cleaner & Uninstaller


This article contains a full removal guide for uninstalling Android Studio from Mac. We will share three different ways to remove the Android Studio from Mac entirely, along with all of its temporary files.

Removing Android Studio on Mac


The quickest way to uninstall Android Studio from Mac

If you don’t have time to read the article and you are looking for the quickest way to uninstall Android Studio from your Mac, we suggest using App Cleaner & Uninstaller from Nektony. This uninstaller will safely and completely remove any application from Mac with just two clicks. Here is the download link for the free trial of App Cleaner & Uninstaller.

App Cleaner & Uninstaller

Free Download

Video Guide: How to uninstall Android Studio

How to uninstall Android Studio manually

Before you dive into the steps on how to manually uninstall Android Studio, be sure to read the important notes so that you understand why you shouldn’t uninstall apps from Mac by just dragging them into the Trash bin.

Important notes about uninstalling Android Studio from Mac

  • Any application on Mac, including Android Studio, creates tons of service files. When you remove apps into the Trash, these service files remain on your Mac and occupy disk space.
  • To completely uninstall Android Studio, you have to find and remove all of its remaining files.
  • Since we have been coding an uninstalling tool to help Mac users for many years, we know all about the applications’ temporary files. We will explain how you can find them manually and how you can quickly delete them with App Cleaner & Uninstaller.
  • If you have any questions regarding this article or how our applications work, feel free to reach us out on Nektony’s support team.

Steps to manually uninstall Android Studio from Mac:

  1. Quit Android Studio.
  2. Go to the Applications folder and remove Android Studio into the Trash. removing Android Studio from the Applications folder
  3. If you want to delete your projects as well, find the AndroidStudioProjects folder in your Home folder and remove them.
  4. Find Android Studio’s service files. For this, in Finder press Command+Shift+G.
  5. In the window that appears, type ~/Library and press Enter.
  6. Go to Library

  7. You will get to the Library folder. Here you need to find and remove all files associated with Android Studio. Check the following subfolders for them:

    • ~/Library/Android (by removing this folder you will also uninstall Android SDK)
    • ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio
    • ~/Library/Preferences/
    • ~/Library/Preferences/
    • ~/Library/Application/Support/AndroidStudio
    • ~/Library/Logs/AndroidStudio
    • ~/Library/Caches/AndroidStudio
    Library folder with the Android Studio cache files highlighted
  8. As soon as you find and remove all the leftovers of Android Studio, empty Trash for complete removal.
Important note!

Since some applications might spread their service files over a Mac’s hard drive, it might be complicated to manually find all of their service files. To make sure that you don’t leave any traces behind, we recommend that you use the free application, Funter, which finds all system hidden files in any location on Mac. Follow the steps below to find Android Studio hidden service files with Funter.

  1. Download and launch Funter.
  2. Click on the Funter’s icon in the toolbar and in the search field type Android and press Enter.
  3. In several seconds, you will get the list of all hidden and visible files that match your query. You can open these files in Finder or remove them immediately in this window by clicking the Trash button.
Funter window showing Android Studio hidden files

Another method to remove Android Studio’s remaining files is to use the Terminal command. Keep on reading to learn how to do this.

How to uninstall Android Studio using Terminal

As we mentioned before, you can’t just drag and drop the Android Studio app to Trash because applications leave their service files behind on your Mac. To uninstall Android Studio with all its service files at once, use the Terminal command line. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open Mac Terminal. Terminal icon in Launchpad
  2. Execute the following commands from the Terminal:
    • rm -Rf /Applications/Android\
    • rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio*
    • rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/*
    • rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/*
    • rm -Rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/AndroidStudio*
    • rm -Rf ~/Library/Logs/AndroidStudio*
    • rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/AndroidStudio*
    • rm -Rf ~/.AndroidStudio*
    • rm -Rf ~/AndroidStudioProjects
    • rm -Rf ~/.gradle
    • rm -Rf ~/.android
    • rm -Rf ~/Library/Android*

    Terminal window with commands to remove Android studio support files

This will delete all related files, including Android SDK.

If you are unfamiliar with Terminal and feel unsure about working with it, we have one more method of removing Android Studio to share with you. You will find this one the easiest and quickest of all. Moreover, you can use this way to safely uninstall any application on your Mac. We are talking about a special program, App Cleaner & Uninstaller, which is designed to completely remove apps and their leftovers on a Mac.

How to uninstall Android Studio using App Cleaner & Uninstaller

App Cleaner & Uninstaller is a special software that can completely uninstall programs on Mac and find all remaining files of already deleted programs. With App Cleaner & Uninstaller, you don’t have to waste any time manually searching for temporary files. It will automatically find them in less than a minute!

  1. Download App Cleaner & Uninstaller and launch it. You will see a list of the apps installed on your Mac.
  2. Select the Android Studio app. If you switch to the Expert mode, you can see a list of all its service files.
  3. Click the Remove button and confirm the removal.

uninstall android studio mac
What is great about App Cleaner & Uninstaller is that it finds the leftovers of previously-removed apps as well. You can view them in the Remaining Files section.

App Cleaner & Uninstaller showing leftovers of Android studio


As you can see, dragging and dropping apps to Trash is not enough for their complete removal. Some apps do provide their own uninstaller tool, but they may be imperfect. Use App Cleaner & Uninstaller as a universal way to uninstall apps on Mac. Also, this tool allows you to manage startup programs on Mac and disable unneeded system extensions.

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