How to create a folder on a Mac

Asya Karapetyan
Copywriter and technical writer focused on macOS and user guidance.
July 22, 2022
If you’re a new Mac user, you may be confused when working with macOS and not know how to create a folder on your desktop. This article covers three options on how to create a new folder on a Mac. creating new folder on a mac


  1. How to create a folder on a Mac using the menu bar
  2. How to create a folder on a Mac using the context menu
  3. How to create a folder on a Mac using a shortcut
  4. How to create a folder on a Mac using the Terminal app
  5. FAQs

Tip – How to Find the Largest Folders on a Mac

A great application that can help you explore all the files on your Mac and discover what’s taking up the most space in your storage is Disk Space Analyzer. Disk Space Analyzer finds the bulkiest files and folders and helps you identify old and unused items for removal. The app provides a free trial with unlimited features.
Disk Space Analyzer icon

Disk Space Analyzer

Free Download

How to create a folder on a Mac using the menu bar

Creating a new folder on macOS is much easier than on a Windows operating system. While you can create a folder on your desktop, it’s generally not recommended to store items there. You should first choose the location in Finder and then create a new folder there. However, we’ll go over the steps to create a new folder for both situations.

Steps to create a new folder on a Mac desktop:

  1. Click on your desktop to make it active.
  2. In the menu bar, click File and select New Folder.
  3. A new folder with the name “Untitled folder ”will automatically appear on your desktop.
Finder menu showing how to create a New Folder To change the name of a new folder, right-click it. From the context menu, select Rename. Then delete the old name → type the new name → press Enter (Return). Or, you can simply click on the folder’s name under its icon, and you’ll be able to delete letters and type a new name.

If you want to create a new folder in a specific folder in Finder, do the following:

  1. Open Finder and go to the directory where you want to create a folder.
  2. In the menu bar, click File and select New Folder.
  3. The folder will automatically appear in the current directory in Finder.
  4. Enter the new folder’s name and press Return (Enter).
Finder showing a new folder

How to create a new folder on a Mac using the context menu

Like other operating systems, macOS provides different options in the context menu, which you can use to create a new folder on your Mac. Here’s how:

  1. In Finder, go to the directory where you want to create a folder.
  2. Right-click in a free area in Finder’s window.
  3. In the context menu, select New Folder.
context menu with the New Folder option highlighted Then, you can assign a new name to this folder. Note: In some cases, the option New Folder in the context menu or the menu bar can be inactive. This can happen if it’s not possible to create a new folder in the current location, such as when a hard drive, SSD drive, or flash drive is full or when you don’t have rights to edit network storage.

How to create a folder on a Mac using a shortcut

Like most commands on macOS, you can create a new folder using a short key combination on your keyboard. Here’s the shortcut to make a new folder on your Mac.


keyboard showing the command to create a new folder You can use this shortcut to create folders in Finder and on your Mac desktop.

How to create a folder on a Mac using the Terminal app

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Type ​​pwd and press Enter. This command allows you to see in which directory you are.
  3. Type ls and press Enter to see the current folder content. You’ll see something like the screenshot below. Terminal window showing the choose a location  to create a new folder
  4. Now, you need to choose where to create a folder. For example, if you want to create a new folder on your Documents, type the following:

    cd Documents /
  5. In the popup window, click OK to get access to the Documents directory.
  6. Create a new folder using the following command: mkdir name-of-your-folder
  7. Type Is and press Enter to verify that the folder has been created.
Terminal window showing a command to create a new folder on a Mac


Creating a new folder on a Mac is easy. However, before you create numerous folders, think about the directories you want for perfect file organization and for easy future navigation. Also, remember that with the help of Disk Space Analyzer, you can analyze your storage and quickly find the largest items on your Mac.


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