How to uninstall Adobe Flash Player on Mac

Asya Karapetyan
Copywriter and technical writer focused on macOS and user guidance.
October 4, 2023

Uninstalling Adobe Flash Player on Mac differs from standard methods of application removal. You will not find the app in the Launchpad or in the Applications folder. You can see it in the System Preferences Panes only. The official Adobe website provides the removal instruction using its installer file. However, many users can’t find this file on their systems. In this article, we will explain several methods on how to successfully uninstall Flash Player from your Mac.


  1. What is Adobe Flash Player
  2. How to uninstall Flash Player using its install manager
  3. How to manually uninstall Adobe Flash Player
  4. How to easily uninstall Adobe Flash Player

What is Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player was a popular Internet plugin used by web browsers and allowed to watch videos, listen to audio files, or play online games. However, Microsoft announced that by January 2021 it is ending the support of this plug-in. This is one of the reasons why you might need to uninstall the app from your machine. Keep reading to learn how to do this.

How to uninstall Flash Player using its install manager

The official app’s removal guide states that this method uninstalls the plugin completely. We will follow the recommended steps and then check the system for the software’s leftovers. Here are the steps to remove the app using the installer file:

  1. Go to Applications Folder → Utilities.
  2. Find and run Adobe Flash Player Install Manager.
    Applications folder showing the Flash Player Install manager
  3. You will see a pop-up window. Click the Uninstall button.
  4. In a few seconds, you will see the message that the program had been removed from your computer.
    Flash Player Uninstaller window

Now let’s check the system for the program’s leftovers. For this, we used a free utility from Nektony – Funter which finds all hidden files on a Mac just by the file name. We searched the “flash” word and found the program’s cache files in the Library folder.
Thus, the official instruction does not remove the program completely. You should then manually find all remaining files of Flash Player and remove them for a complete uninstallation. You can find these files with Funter.
hidden files search results showing Flash Player caches

How to manually uninstall Adobe Flash Player

If for some reason you can’t find the Flash Player Install Manager in your Utilities folder, you can use the manual method of removing the plugin.
Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Open System Settings.
  2. Scroll down, and you will find the Flash Player icon in the list of Preference Panes. Right-click on the icon and select Remove ”Flash Player.”
    Flash Player in System Preferences
  3. Then you need to find the PreferencesPanes system folder on your system. For this, open Finder, press Command+Shift+G shortcut, navigate the following directory in the search field:
    Go to folder search panel showing the cache files location
  4. Find and remove the subfolder with Flash Player caches:
    Flash Player cache files in the Library folder

Check also the following folders for Flash Player leftovers:

  • ~/Library/PreferencePanes
  • ~/Library/Application Support
  • ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
  • ~/Library/Launch Daemons

Please be careful and make sure that you are deleting the correct files. Removal of important Apple system files may damage your system. Also, we recommend that you learn in the next section the fastest and safest way to uninstall Flash Player and any other software on a Mac.

Uninstall Flash Player on Mac using App Cleaner & Uninstaller

App Cleaner & Uninstaller is a special program that completely removes any type of applications. It automatically finds support files of the apps and removes them safely. Follow these steps:

  1. Launch App Cleaner & Uninstaller. It will scan your applications.
  2. Turn on the Expert Mode
  3. Select Adobe Flash Player from the list of apps. In the right section of the app, you can see all the service files of the program.
  4. Click the Remove button and confirm the uninstallation.

App Cleaner Uninstaller window showing the Flash Player app

That’s all! You can try App Cleaner & Uninstaller for free.

Video Guide: How to uninstall apps on a Mac


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