How to Uninstall CleanMyMac

Asya Karapetyan
Content marketer, who specializes in Mac how-to guides
July 19, 2023

For various reasons, you might need to remove CleanMyMac from your Mac. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to completely uninstall CleanMyMac on Mac, so that it doesn’t leave its leftover files on your hard drive.

Removing CleanMyMac


  1. How to manually delete CleanMyMac.
  2. The easiest way to entirely uninstall CleanMyMac from Mac.

Quick Video: How to completely delete CleanMyMac

How to manually delete CleanMyMac

Recently we found a couple of relevant questions on StackExchange platforms:

“Uninstalled CleanMyMac still shows notifications” (source)
“Cleanmymac has left folder actions after uninstall” (source)

That’s why we recommend that you carefully follow every step of our guide to completely get rid of CleanMyMac on your Mac.

Steps on how to manually remove CleanMyMac:

  1. Quit CleanMyMac and close all the background processes related to the app. For this run Activity Monitor, select all CleanMyMac processes in the CPU tab and click the Close “X” icon.
     Activity Monitor window showing CleanMyMac processeses
  2. Go to the Applications folder and move CleanMyMac to Trash. You may be asked to enter your administrator password to confirm the activity.
    Removing CleanMyMac into the Trash
    Another method to remove the app is to do it using Launchpad. Open Launchpad → drag and drop CleanMyMac into the Trash bin.
    Launchpad screen showing how to remove cleanmymac to Trash
  3. Find and remove all support files of CleanMyMac. By default they should be stored in the system Library folder. To get to the Library open Finder and press the Command+Shift+G key shortcut. In the search field type ~/Library and press Enter.
    Go to folder search field showing the Library location

    In the Library folder find and remove all files related to CleanMyMac. Check the following folders for them:

    • ~/Library/Preferences/
    • ~/Library/Application Support
    • ~/Library/Caches/
    • ~/Library/Logs/
    • ~/Library/LaunchAgents
    • ~/Library/Cookies
    • ~/Library/Group Containers

    Library folder showing CleanMyMac support files

  4. Once you remove all service files of the app, don’t forget to empty the Trash to uninstall CleanMyMac permanently.

Note that sometimes applications can spread their support files all over Mac hard drive. It might not be so easy to find all the leftovers. That’s why we recommend using App Cleaner & Uninstaller which automatically will find all support files and completely remove applications without leaving any traces.

The easiest way to entirely uninstall CleanMyMac from Mac

You can use App Cleaner & Uninstaller Pro which is designed to completely uninstall applications on a Mac in just a few clicks. The best thing about App Cleaner & Uninstaller is that it finds even the remaining files of already removed applications.

Steps on how to completely remove CleanMyMac:

  1. Launch App Cleaner & Uninstaller. It will scan all applications on your Mac.
  2. Select CleanMyMac and click to remove it.
  3. Confirm the action.

uninstall CleanmyMac by App Cleaner & Uninstaller
If you have already removed CleanMyMac using the manual method, check for its leftovers. Switch to the Remaining Files section from the sidebar. Select CleanMyMac service files and click to remove them.
App Cleaner - Remaining files tab - cleanmymac leftovers


How to turn off showing CleanMyMac in the menu bar?
How to stop running CleanMyMac at system startup?
Where is CleanMyMac on my Mac?
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